Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Intro to Sociology Essay - 664 Words

SOC, 2nd Edition by Niki Benokraitis Study Worksheet – Chapter 1 Answer Key Thinking Like a Sociologist Matching Match the person or term with the appropriate description in the table below. |Max Weber |E |Macrosociology |I |Symbolic Interactionism |M | |Karl Marx |D |W.E.B. DuBois |G |Conflict Theory |K | |Empirical |B |Microsociology |H |Feminist Theory |L | |Émile Durkheim |C |Sociological imagination |F |Functionalism†¦show more content†¦| |A |This theorist believed that information about the social world should come not from beliefs or intuition but from direct, | | |observable facts. | |I |If sociologists study large scale social patterns, such as differences in income or an analysis of social policies, they are | | |taking this broad approach. | |E |This social theorist argued that, while the economic organization of a society was important, ideas and beliefs were also | | |important in determining how society is organized. | |M |This micro-level theoretical perspective argues that social organization is the result of our everyday behavior. It focuses on the| | |way we create meaning through symbols (such as styles of dress or language). | |D |This social theorist argued that the economicShow MoreRelatedIntro to Sociology1167 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Intro to Sociology – 1/28 Book: Sidewalk by Dunier Available in NYU Bookstore March 13 – Midterm Exam 30% of Grade May 15 – Final Exam (8 in the Morning) Courses are central to the idea of concept ideas. Readings and course as whole might test hypothesis like pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall (No M/C, small essays). What is a Social Science? Empirical, Systematic, Conceptual. There are other realms that people think like how people believe what a society is; iRead MoreIntro to Sociology1018 Words   |  5 Pages1a. Define routinization: †¢ Routinization is the way people go about doing something. It’s a method to organize chaos and when practiced it accomplishes the goal quickly and effectively. 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